Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex, VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator
Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex, VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator
VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator, Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex
pack size:50g Dosage form:cream
Vagisan MoistCream l hormone-free cream against vaginal dryness l relieves burning, itching and pain caused by a dry vagina l against pain during sex
The product Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex, VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator at a glance:
• cares for the vagina and keeps it supple
• helpful against pain during sex
• relieves itching, burning and feeling dry
• provides moisture
• without hormones
• developed by the Vagisan experts
In contrast to a purely water-based preparation (most gels), the hormone-free Vagisan MoistCream is a cream. In addition to a high water content, Vagisan MoistCream also has a nourishing fat content.
The white, smooth cream from Vagisan supplies the dry vagina with moisture and nourishing lipids and relieves the symptoms caused by vaginal dryness, such as: B. feeling dry, burning, itching or vaginal pain. By adding lactic acid, the moist cream is adjusted to a pH value of 4.5 - Vagisan MoistCream thus supports the maintenance of a natural acid value (pH value) in the vagina.
Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex, VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator:
This vaginal cream is free of hormones (oestrogens) and can therefore also be used together with systemic hormone replacement therapy (e.g. tablets, transdermal patches) or alternately with vaginal creams or suppositories containing hormones (oestrogen). The MoistCream is fragrance-free.
Regular use of Vagisan MoistCream can help prevent irritation, inflammation and pain in the vagina and external genital area caused by vaginal dryness.
Vaginal dryness treatment, pain during sex, VAGISAN MoistCream with applicator:
Vagisan MoistCream can be used before sexual intercourse (as a lubricating cream), especially if there is pain during sexual intercourse. The intimate cream does not affect sperm motility and can therefore also be used if you want to have children.
Vaginal dryness mainly affects women during or after the menopause, but younger women can also be affected by a dry vagina. A lack of estrogen (during and after the menopause) is often the reason for a dry vagina, but hormone fluctuations or stress can also be a cause. Vaginal dryness is often noticeable through pain during sex, but it can also affect the affected women in everyday situations, e.g. B. when sitting or cycling.
Vagisan MoistCream makes the sensitive skin in the intimate area pleasantly smooth. This can also have a positive effect during sex, especially for women who otherwise tend to experience pain during intercourse due to a dry vagina.