SULFARINOL drops 20ml, sinus infection symptoms, nosode drops
SULFARINOL drops 20ml, sinus infection symptoms, nosode drops
- Nosode drops. Indications for use drops Sulfarinol is short-term, short-term treatment of symptoms of nasal congestion - runny nose, nasal congestion, spowodowaneych by inflammation associated with infected.
1 ml of nasal drops containing 50 mg and 1 mg sulfathiazole, naphazoline nitrate. Action: Formulation for topical bacteriostatic and sympathomimetic. Sulfathiazole bacteriostatic effect against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. Naphazoline reduces edema and nasal congestion caused by inflammation.
Indications: Short-term, short-term treatment of symptoms of nasal congestion - runny nose, nasal congestion, nasal congestion, spowodowaneych by inflammation associated with bacterial infection.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the preparation ingredients . Glaucoma with narrow angle glaucoma. Rhinitis drying up. Children under 12 years of age Pregnancy and lactation:Pregnant used only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus. Due to the lack of clinical trials should be used with caution during breast-feeding.
Dosage: Adults: each nostril 1-2 drops every 4-6 hours. Do not use for more than 3-5 days because of the risk of worsening edema wtónego and runny nose.