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DHU-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG



Regular price £37.50 GBP
Regular price £50.00 GBP Sale price £37.50 GBP
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Pack size:10gDosage form:Globules

Active ingredient: Delphinium staphisagria (homeoph.)

Delphinium staphisagria (homeoph.) benefits:

Potential benefits
There’s little evidence to support any of the purported benefits of staphysagria.

Although the remedy is often marketed to help treat surgical wounds and cuts, no scientific evidence supports this use in humans.

One test-tube study suggested that a protein extract of the staphysagria plant had some immune-boosting activities. However, the undiluted protein extracts used in the study were much more potent than a highly diluted homeopathic remedy (4Trusted Source).

Additionally, one study in rats with injured paws noted that a homeopathic staphysagria remedy was comparable to ibuprofen at reducing inflammation. Another animal study showed that homeopathic staphysagria might help relieve pain (1, 5).

These potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving actions may be part of the reason staphysagria is recommended for cuts and surgical wounds.

Another recent animal study found that staphysagria may relieve depression as effectively as the drug escitalopram in rodents, but this effect hasn’t been observed in humans (6Trusted Source).

Additionally, many people use staphysagria for urinary tract infections (UTIs), as a 1974 study showed that staphysagria may reduce bladder inflammation occurring after sex among women (7).

However, those findings haven’t been replicated, and one recent test-tube study noted that staphysagria did not inhibit UTI-related bacterial growth (8Trusted Source).

Lastly, staphysagria seeds have been used to treat hair loss. One recent test-tube study indicated that staphysagria seed extracts may promote hair growth, but no other research is available (9Trusted Source).

Therefore, more human studies are needed.


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