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Steigerwald Arzneimittelwerk GMBH

Iberogast, stomach flu treatment, home remedies for acid reflux

Iberogast, stomach flu treatment, home remedies for acid reflux

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Iberogast 50 ml liquid, stomach flu treatment, home remedies for acid reflux

  • Iberogast 50 ml is used to treat stomach and bowel-related disorders peristaltic movements and the secretion of digestive juices. The product is indicated in -stomach and intestinal cramps, irritable bowel syndrome


Iberogast, stomach flu treatment, home remedies for acid reflux Ingredients:

100ml of liquid contains:
Alcohol extract from fresh plants Iberis amara (ethanol 50%) 15ml
Angelicae radicis extractum 10ml
Carvi fructus extractum 10ml
Sylibi mariani fructus extractum 10ml
Melissae foil extractum 10ml
Menthae piperitae foil extractum 5ml
Chelidonia herbae extractum 10ml
Liquiritiae radicis extractum 10ml
extractant used to receive all lifts ethanol is 30%.
This product contains 31 vol.% of alcohol.

Iberogast 50 ml Action:
Iberogast is a herbal medicine for use in gastrointestinal disorders. It reduces the feeling of fullness, flatulence, and reduces stomach and intestinal cramps.
Iberogast has anti-inflammatory, carminative, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This preparation increases the amount of prostaglandins that protect the mucosa and lowers the concentration of leukotrienes that destroy the mucosa. It inhibits the secretion of gastric juice by the parietal cells.


Iberogast, stomach flu treatment, home remedies for acid reflux Indications:

Iberogast is used in diseases of the stomach and intestines related to peristaltic movement disorders and in the secretion of digestive juices.
The preparation is indicated in:
- stomach and intestinal
cramps - irritable jeslita syndrome
- gastric
irritation - inflammation of the gastric mucosa

Iberogast 50 ml Dosage:
If your doctor tells you otherwise Iberogast takes in a small amount of fluid prior / or during meals.
Adults and children over 12 years: 3 times a day 20 drops.
Children 6 to 12 years: 3 times a day 15 drops.


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