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Dr. Loges + Co. GmbH

HEPALOGES gallbladder, liver disorders injection ampoules

HEPALOGES gallbladder, liver disorders injection ampoules

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HEPALOGES gallbladder, liver disorders injection ampoules

hepaLoges ® solution for injection ampoules

1 ampoule (2 ml) contains:
Taraxacum Dil. D4 0.333 ml
Quassia amara Dil. D60.333 ml
Lycopodium Dil. D40.333 ml
Myrica cerifera (HAB 34) Dil. D5 (HAB, regulation 3a) 0.333 ml
Chelidonium Dil. D80.333 ml
The ingredients are potentized together over the last two stages with water for injections.

The other ingredients are: sodium chloride, water for injections, hydrochloric acid 36% for pH adjustment.

Areas of HEPALOGES gallbladder, liver disorders injection ampoules application:
hepaLoges injection solution is a homeopathic medicine for diseases of the digestive organs. The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures.
This includes: Improving the symptoms of liver-gallbladder disorders.

For HEPALOGES gallbladder, liver disorders injection ampoules information on risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


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