Hemorosan cryoapplicator red x 1 piece
Hemorosan cryoapplicator red x 1 piece
- Hemorosan. revolution in the treatment of inflammation of hemorrhoids! A medical device cryoapplicator Hemorosan this innovative product which can be used to perform or cryotherapy as a precise formulations for rectal applicator. Red Colour.
cryoapplicator Hemorosan, hermetically sealed container to hold cryoapplicator in the freezer, use leaflet.
Hemorrhoids is a very unpleasant condition that often interferes with daily functioning human being. Effective and non-invasive way to deal with troublesome symptoms of inflammation of haemorrhoids is cryoapplicator Hemorosan. The product works well in their prevention. The shape of the cryoapplicator has been designed in such a way as to allow a painless application rectal, special additional tabs allow for easy applying thereto ointments and gels. The product applied in this way has a chance to get exactly where it should be, which greatly increases its effectiveness. Cryoapplicator is made of a safe material which is suitable for use in contact with the skin and mucous membranes, and the inside is filled with cold absorber which accumulates low temperature, and then gradually returns it to provide a maximum extended time action. The result of use is the alleviation of edema, reduction of itching, burning, pain, and swelling. Cryoapplicator Hemorosan is a product of multiple, very simple to use. Whether used as part of cryotherapy or to apply the preparations for hemorrhoids works superbly and guarantees a significant improvement! Because of this, it is very safe, they can use it without fear women who are pregnant.
A medical device Hemorosan cryoapplicator red indicated for use in the case of temporary inflammation of hemorrhoids and during rekonawlescencji. It can be used by women during pregnancy.
Additional information:
Keep out of reach of children, at room temperature. The product is certified by the European utility model.
For use as intended. Detailed rules for proper use, see the flyer. Cryoapplicator product is reusable, it is recommended that it be replaced at least every 6 months. It should also be particularly care about hygiene. Cryoapplicator need to wash in warm water before and after each use, as well as thoroughly dry. Proper temperature the product obtained after freezing in a freezer for at least 2 hours. For freezing, use a special container supplied. Frozen cryoapplicator introduced into the rectum by holding the head in the case of formulations for rectal before application should be applied to the frozen cryoapplicator appropriate amount of ointment or gel. The product draw, when it reaches body temperature. Thoroughly wash it, dry it and then freeze. It should have two pieces and apply them one by one. Treatment of inflammation of hemorrhoids: it is recommended to use at least twice daily for at least three days. Prophylactic: apply at least once a week.