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Green Coffee x 60 capsules, green coffee bean extract

Green Coffee x 60 capsules, green coffee bean extract

Regular price £15.99 GBP
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  • Green coffee bean extract. Green coffee brands AlterMedica, a preparation containing 100% extract of green coffee beans, standardized to 50% content of valuable reducing the chlorogenic acid absorption sugars in the gastrointestinal tract and the working antioxidant.

1 capsule contains 800 mg of extract of green coffee beans (roasted grains, not yet subjected to a roasting process), including 400 mg and a chlorogenic acid, 34.8 mg of caffeine.

Green coffee brands AlterMedica, is a natural dietary supplement containing 100% extract of green coffee beans, standardized to 50% of the chlorogenic acid content. Invaluable green coffee is one of the richest and most digestible source of chlorogenic acid (ACG), which is very often used in weight loss preparatch. Regular taking the supplement, effectively it helps to reduce the absorption of carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract, makes it easier to get energy from stocks stored in adipose tissue, and significantly reduces the degree of absorption of glucose from food and reduces the possibility of storing assimilated glucose in the body in the form of fat.

Green coffee is supelement diet recommended for weight loss diets and cleansing the body.

1 capsule a day before meals.


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