Pack size:100 g Dosage form:tea
This beneficial herbal remedy helps to support the treatment of wear and tear of the musculoskeletal system, such as rheumatic complaints, mild cramp-like gastrointestinal complaints such as a feeling of fullness and flatulence (dyspeptic complaints) and loss of appetite.
Devil's claw tea
Notes on taking it for dyspeptic complaints: If the complaints last longer than 1 week or recur periodically, a doctor should be consulted, as with all unclear complaints. Notes on taking it as part of the supportive treatment of degenerative diseases of the musculoskeletal system: In the case of acute conditions, which are accompanied by redness, swelling or overheating of the joints, as well as persistent complaints, a doctor should be consulted.
Stomach and duodenal ulcers. In the case of gallstones, only use after consulting a doctor.
Interaction with other drugs:
None known.
Side effects:
None known.
If you notice any side effects, please inform your doctor or pharmacist.
Product features & information
Made in Germany
Keep this medicine carefully and out of the reach of children.
For risks and side effects, read the package insert and ask your doctor or pharmacist.
Net content Content = 100 g
South African devil's claw root.
Unless otherwise prescribed, drink a cup of the tea infusion prepared as follows before meals: Boil 1 teaspoon of devil's claw tea with 1/2 liter of water, cover and leave to one side overnight and then strain through a tea strainer. Sweeten with sweetener as desired.