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Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic

Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic

Regular price £37.80 GBP
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Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic

Betaisodona ® mouth antiseptic 75 mg/ml
solution for use in the oral cavity for children over 6 years and adults
Active substance: povidone iodine.

pack size:100ml Dosage form:solution

Areas of Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic application:


Betaisodona ® mouth antiseptic is a germicidal agent (antiseptic) for use in the oral cavity. Betaisodona ® mouth antiseptic is used once for antiseptic treatment, e.g. B. prior to surgical interventions, especially in patients with disorders of the body’s defenses (prevention of local wound infections); in patients at risk of inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and heart valves (prevention of bacteremia). Betaisodona ®Mouth antiseptic is repeatedly used for a limited time to prevent radiation-induced inflammation of the oral mucosa in patients undergoing radiation therapy or combined radiation and chemotherapy.

Keep medicines out of the reach of children.

For Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


Status: 07-20

BETAISODONA ® oral antiseptic

BETAISODONA ®Mouth antiseptic with the active ingredient povidone iodine unfolds its comprehensive germicidal effect in diluted or undiluted form when gargling and rinsing. Iodine has been used as an antiseptic for wound disinfection since the early 19th century. It works against bacteria, fungi, spores, viruses and certain protozoa, which is why it has a broad spectrum of activity. In addition, the product is characterized by an immediate onset of action.

BETAISODONA ® mouth antiseptic is well tolerated by the mucous membrane, has a pleasant taste and has a strong odour-inhibiting effect. The natural golden-brown color of BETAISODONA ® mouth antiseptic is due to the active ingredient povidone iodine and does not stain teeth.

BETAISODONA ®Mouth antiseptic with the active ingredient povidone iodine unfolds its comprehensive germicidal effect in diluted or undiluted form when gargling and rinsing.

  • Fights 99.9% of relevant germs*
  • Immediate onset of action and long-lasting effect
  • Without burning on the skin
  • Gold-brown color as an indicator of effectiveness

Germicidal agent (antiseptic) for use in the oral cavity.

active Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic ingredients

  • 75 mg povidone iod

Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic excipients

  • 299 mg ethanol 96% (v/v)
  • levomenthol
  • methyl salicylate
  • glycerol
  • Saccharin sodium-2 water
  • disodium hydrogen phosphate
  • citric acid
  • Sodium hydroxide for pH adjustment
  • water, purified

indication Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic

  • The preparation is a germicidal agent (antiseptic) for use in the oral cavity.
  • The drug is used once for the antiseptic treatment of the oral mucosa (e.g. before surgical interventions), especially in patients with disorders of the body's defenses (to prevent local wound infections) and in patients at risk of endocarditis (inflammation of the inner lining of the heart and heart valves) (to prevent bacteremia). [Presence of bacteria in the bloodstream]).
  • The preparation is used repeatedly for a limited time to prevent radiation-induced inflammation of the oral mucosa (mucositis) in patients undergoing radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy (radiotherapy or combined radiotherapy and chemotherapy).

dosage Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic

  • Always use the preparation exactly as directed. Please check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
  • Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the preparation is usually used as follows:
    • For a single antiseptic treatment in the oral cavity before surgical and other dental interventions, the drug should be used undiluted in the area of ​​the planned intervention. The exposure time should not be less than 30 seconds.
    • For repeated treatment in the oral cavity, the solution is diluted (1 part mouth antiseptic, 4 parts warm water) and used as a rinse. The treatment should be carried out several times a day after meals. The diluted solution is held in the mouth for 3 minutes and then spat out. Do not swallow or rinse the solution.
    • In small children, the drug should only be used if proper use is ensured (the solution should not be swallowed).


  • duration of use
    • The use of the preparation should be continued as long as there are still signs of inflammation. If your symptoms have not improved after several days (2 to 5 days) of regular use, or if symptoms recur after completing treatment, please consult your doctor.


  • If you use more than you should
    • Please read the "Side Effects" category.

Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic way

  • The drug is undiluted or diluted for external use in the mouth and throat only. The solution must not be ingested.
  • For a single antiseptic treatment in the oral cavity before surgical and other dental interventions, the drug should be used undiluted in the area of ​​the planned intervention. The exposure time should not be less than 30 seconds.
  • For repeated treatment in the oral cavity, the solution is diluted (1 part mouth antiseptic, 4 parts warm water) and used as a rinse. The treatment should be carried out several times a day after meals. The diluted solution is held in the mouth for 3 minutes and then spat out. Do not swallow or rinse the solution.
  • Normal tap water is suitable for dilution. The dilution must always be freshly prepared and used up as soon as possible, as stability cannot be guaranteed in every case after longer storage.
  • The brown color of the solution is a property of the preparation and indicates its effectiveness. Increasing discoloration indicates a decrease in the effectiveness of the preparation. If the color is completely removed, there is no longer any effectiveness.
  • In small children, the drug should only be used if proper use is ensured (the solution should not be swallowed).
  • Dental prostheses, braces, etc. are to be temporarily removed from the mouth before use to improve accessibility of the gums and oral mucosa and to avoid any discolouration of the material.
  • Hints
    • Due to the oxidative effect of the active ingredient povidone iodine, the drug can cause corrosion on metals. Plastics are generally povidone iodine resistant.
    • The preparation is generally washable from textiles and other materials with warm water and soap. In stubborn cases, ammonia (ammonia solution) or fixing salt (sodium thiosulphate) will help. Both are available in pharmacies or drugstores.

side effects

  • Like all medicines, this can cause side effects, although not everyone gets them.
  • The evaluation of side effects is based on the following frequency information:
    • Very common: more than 1 in 10 people treated
    • Common: less than 1 in 10 but more than 1 in 100 people treated
    • Uncommon: less than 1 in 100 but more than 1 in 1,000 people treated
    • Rare: less than 1 in 1,000 but more than 1 in 10,000 people treated
    • Very rare: less than 1 in 10,000 people treated, or unknown
  • possible side effects
    • Immune system disorders/skin disorders
      • Rarely
        • Hypersensitivity reactions of the skin, e.g. B. delayed-type contact allergic reactions, which can manifest themselves in the form of itching, reddening, blisters, burning or similar.
      • Very rare
        • Acute general allergic reactions, possibly with drop in blood pressure and/or shortness of breath (anaphylactic reactions); Acute swelling of the skin or mucous membranes (angioedema or Quincke's edema).
    • endocrine diseases
      • Significant iodine uptake can occur with long-term use of the drug.
      • Very rare
        • Hyperthyroidism (iodine-induced hyperthyroidism), possibly with symptoms such as B. Pulse acceleration or inner restlessness in patients with thyroid diseases (see also category "Patient information").
  • If you get any side effects, talk to your doctor or pharmacist. This also applies to side effects that are not specified.


  • When used with other medicines
    • Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking/using or have recently taken/used other medicines, even if they are non-prescription medicines.
    • Povidone-iodine can be combined with protein and various other organic substances such as e.g. B. react blood and pus components, which can affect its effectiveness.
    • With the simultaneous use of the preparation and enzymatic wound treatment agents, the enzyme component is oxidized by iodine, thereby weakening the effect of both drugs.
    • Mutual weakening of the effect also occurs with the simultaneous use of the drug with hydrogen peroxide and taurolidine.
    • Do not use the preparation at the same time as or immediately after using disinfectants containing the active ingredient octenidine on the same or adjacent areas, as this may result in temporary dark discoloration.
    • If you are being treated with lithium preparations, you should avoid long-term use of the preparation, as absorbed iodine can promote the hypothyroidism that lithium can cause.
    • For information on discoloration of materials, see the note before this section and the "Type of application" category.
  • When used with food and drink
    • Not applicable.


  • The medicine must not be used:
    • if you have an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism) or another existing (manifest) thyroid disease,
    • in the very rare chronic skin inflammation dermatitis herpetiformis Duhring,
    • during and until the end of radiation therapy with iodine (radio-iodine therapy) or if you are planning such a treatment,
    • if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to the active substance or any of the other ingredients of the preparation.

pregnancy Best oral antiseptic mouthwash for children's, BETAISODONA oral antiseptic and breast feeding period

  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before using any medicine.
  • During pregnancy and lactation, the preparation is to be used only on the express instructions of the doctor and in an extremely limited manner. In this case, it is necessary to check the thyroid function in the child.

patient notes

  • Special care is required when using the drug
    • If you suffer from thyroid disease or you have a goiter, you should only use the preparation for a longer period of time (longer than 14 days) if your doctor has specifically instructed you to. Even after the end of the therapy (up to 3 months) one should pay attention to the early symptoms of a possible hyperthyroidism (see category "side effects") and, if necessary, monitor the thyroid function.
    • If the drug is used in the throat area, avoid swallowing it, as this can lead to breathing difficulties and even pneumonia.
  • Elderly people
    • Since older people are more likely to suffer from thyroid dysfunction, older people (>/= 65 years) should only use the preparation for a longer period of time if expressly instructed by their doctor. If necessary, monitor thyroid function.
  • children, newborns and infants
    • The drug should only be used in children, especially young children, if it is used as intended and the solution is not swallowed.
    • In newborns and infants up to the age of 6 months, the preparation is to be used only on the express instructions of the doctor and in an extremely limited manner. A check of the thyroid function is necessary.
  • a notice
    • Occasionally the material of prostheses, braces etc. can become discolored. It is therefore advisable, as far as possible, to temporarily remove prostheses, braces or similar from the mouth before using the drug.
  • Influencing diagnostic tests or radioiodine therapy
    • Because of the oxidizing effect of the active ingredient povidone-iodine, various diagnostics can deliver false-positive results during treatment with the drug (including toluidine and guaiac resin for determining hemoglobin or glucose in the stool or urine).
    • The uptake of iodine by the thyroid gland can be influenced by povidone-iodine; this can lead to disruptions in diagnostic examinations of the thyroid gland (thyroid scintigraphy, PBI determination, radioiodine diagnostics) during treatment with the preparation and make a planned radioiodine therapy impossible. There should be an interval of at least 1-2 weeks after stopping treatment with the drug before recording a new scintigram.


  • Driving and using machines
    • The medicine has no influence on the ability to drive and use machines.


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