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Hevert Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG

Allergic rhinitis treatment, Hay fever, CONTRALERGIA Hevert drops mixture

Allergic rhinitis treatment, Hay fever, CONTRALERGIA Hevert drops mixture

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Hay fever, Allergic rhinitis treatment, CONTRALERGIA Hevert hay fever drops mixture

Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops, Allergic rhinitis treatment


pack size:100ml 

The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures.
These include: Improvement of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis.
A doctor should be consulted in the event of persistent, unclear or newly occurring symptoms, as these may be diseases that require medical clarification.
Contains 42% alcohol by volume.

For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.

Homeopathic medicine for allergic rhinitis.

active ingredients

  • 197 mg Apis mellifica D4
  • 296 mg Thyallis glauca D4
  • 107 mg of potassium bichromicum D4
  • 99 mg Teucrium marum D4
  • 99 mg Verbascum thapsiforme D1


  • ethanol

Well through the pollen season with Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops
This is how Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops work: 

  • Therapeutic and prophylactic for hay fever
  • Antipruritic, decongestant, anti-inflammatory
  • No sedation or daytime sleepiness


The nose runs, the eyes itch and burn. Allergic sniffles can have a major impact on life. Pollen is the most common trigger. The body's overreaction to the tiny flying creatures, known as hay fever, ruins the best time of the year for millions of Germans. Those who are allergic to animal hair, house dust or mold spores are not hit quite as often, but just as badly. If the allergic rhinitis is not treated, the allergic reaction can spread and move from the nose to the lungs, where it can trigger asthma-like shortness of breath.

As a homeopathic medicine, Contrallergia Hevert Hay Fever Drops strengthens the self-healing powers, relieves itching, burning eyes and runny nose. The body's overreaction is dampened without making you tired, which is particularly important for drivers. If Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops are taken early before the start of the pollen season, a steady improvement in symptoms can be achieved over the years. Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops can also supplement the use of antihistamines as a naturopathic treatment.

The natural active ingredients in Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops are anti-allergenic, which has been proven in clinical studies for Galphimia glauca (small laburnum). Due to Apis (honey bee), the drug has a decongestant and antipruritic effect, especially in acute allergic symptoms. Potassium bichromicum eliminates airway inflammation, while Marum verum (Cat Gander) helps restore a healthy mucosa. Verbascum (mullein) calms the respiratory tract in allergic irritation.

Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops relieve allergic rhinitis reliably and naturally.

Acute: up to 12x daily 5-10 drops
Chronic: 3x daily 5-10 drops

10 g of drops contain: Apis D4 1.97 g, Galphimia glauca D4 2.96 g, Kali bichromicum D4 1.07 g, Marum verum D4 0.99 g, Verbascum D1 0.99 g. Excipients: ethanol 30% (w/w). Contains 42% alcohol by volume.

Contrallergia Hevert hay fever drops should not be taken if you are hypersensitive to bee venom or chromium.

Side effects:
In isolated cases, skin reactions can occur. The drug should then be discontinued.

Mandatory text:
Contrallergia Hevert Hay fever drops The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. These include: Improvement of the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. - In the case of persistent, unclear or newly occurring symptoms, a doctor should be consulted, as these may be illnesses that require medical clarification. Contains 42% alcohol by volume. For risks and side effects, read the leaflet and ask your doctor or pharmacist.


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